Internet with children

Noisy, crowded, and curiosity are the characteristics of the children. by riding their bikes to "Warnet" (public net), big question what are they looking for in internet. One unit for three either four children. I remembered when I was child that to fulfill my holiday I went to "ding dong" places for playing a game. But, now days, children are also interconnected to the cyber world. It is amazing that the school in our coutry is not taught how to use an internet facility yet, but they find it to their surrounding through their pairmates. However, it is the reality that is taken place in our generation.

This phenomena has been bringing good and bad effects. "Good" when the children can use this facility to improve their potential intelectually. Because, it is their era, so they must be able to competete with the new world. As everybody knows that the world is fulfill by uncertainity, between peacefull and chaos. So, they should prepare for any situation that will be faced. "Bad" because in my next box at "internet public" they just a simple children and I just worry that playing internet will make them wild and naughty. Then, children will loss their identity, so values and norms tend to be ignored.

Ok then, it is necessary for the all of the departments to make a rule concerning the children in using public net facility.